ArcGIS 추가 도구 - Hydrologic Modeling(수문학적 모형)

유병혁 2011. 12. 23. 03:59

VCT 알고리듬 구현을 위해, 개발 시 참고할 만한 Tool 소스입니다.

수문학적 모형인 Hydrological Modeling으로, 원천 소스가 모두 공개되어 있어 본 연구를 수행하는데 큰 도움이 될 것 같습니다.

이제부터는 약간의 프로그래밍 지식(Visual Basic와 ArcObjects Library)이 필요합니다.  


HDButtonR.cls The class module calculating rain drops interactively.
HDButtonW.cls The class module calculating watersheds interactively.
HDComFillSink.cls The class module filling sinks.
HDComFlowAccumulation.cls The class module calculating flow accumulations.
HDComFlowDirection.cls The class module calculating flow directions.
HDComIdentifySink.cls The class module identifying sinks.
HDComProperties.cls The class module setting properties for watershed and rain drop buttons.
HDComStreamNetAsFeature.cls The class module calculating stream networks.
HDComWatershed.cls The class module calculating watersheds.
HDMenu.cls The class module defining the menu.
HDToolbar.cls The class moduledefining the toolbar.
frmFillSink.frm The form filling sinks.
frmFlowAccumulation.frm The form calculating flow accumulations.
frmFlowDirection.frm The form calculating flow directions.
frmIdentifySink.frm The form identifying sinks.
frmMakeShapefile.frm The form for creating pour point shapefile.
frmProperties.frm The form setting properties for watershed and rain drop buttons.
frmStreamNetwork.frm The form calculating stream networks.
frmWatershed.frm The form calculating watersheds.
esrihydrology_v2.vbp VB6 project file.
esrihydrology_v2.dll VB6 Dll file.